Third Party Security
Did you know that your attackers can usually easily infiltrate your own IT security despite comprehensive measures?
This is precisely why third party risk is one of the TOP risks.
In order to address this risk appropriately, you must check your external service providers (or have them checked) for their security level and work to ensure that appropriate IT security measures are implemented. Otherwise, there is a great risk that a hack of your external service providers will also mean a hack for you.

Third Party Security Review
We check your external service providers for their IT security level and support you in adequately evaluating and tracking the deficiencies found and working towards your service providers improving them in a timely manner.
This review should not only be performed before onboarding, but at regular intervals.
Since this risk cannot be outsourced, you always remain responsible for your data. Completely regardless of where it resides or by whom it is managed. It should be in your interest that your data is secured in the best possible way.
Strong partner
We don't just leave you hanging with the results of the Third Party Security Reviews, but support you in the communication with your external service providers, the evaluation of the risks for your company, as well as the possible mitigation or risk acceptance options.