Data Protection Expertise
In data protection you need two different skillsets.
1. a rather technical expert for IT security to effectively assess the technical and organizational security measures.
2. a lawyer who correctly interprets and applies the legal aspects.
Data protection officers generally tend to have one of the two skillsets on which they focus and therefore have gaps in the other discipline.
We have long-time and certified experts for both topics who are responsible for all data protection aspects from a technical as well as a legal perspective and therefore form a perfectly coordinated team for you to cover all necessary aspects.

External DPO
In many companies, the nomination of a data protection officer is mandatory. If you do not wish to develop this expertise internally, we offer comprehensive support as your external data protection officer.
Filling in this position of a data protection officer externally has numerous advantages. External DPOs usually have a much more comprehensive overview of what is required by authorities and where the acceptable gray areas are. In addition, external DPOs work full time on the subject and continue to educate themselves. The network is many times larger in technical as well as organizational and legal terms, which (in turn) benefits you.
Data protection audit
Are you expecting a visit from the federal or state data protection authorities and want to be adequately prepared for it, or would you like to have your organization audited for CAPs from the EU GDPR?
We check your company for potential GAPs from the BDSG or the EU-DSGVO and develop a prioritizable and realistic mitigation plan with you.
You will receive a comprehensible and professional certificate for the audit of data protection measures, which you can also use as evidence to the authorities to prove that you have had appropriate audits carried out.

Got mail from the State Office for Data Protection?
It happens again and again that disgruntled customers, ex-employees or competitors blacken your company with the state data protection authorities or that the authorities approach you by chance or due to noticed GAPs.
The authorities usually demand a statement and proof that you are properly complying with data protection requirements.
We support you in communicating with the authorities and (if necessary) promptly auditing and mitigating deficiencies in order to avoid penalties of up to 4% of global sales.
Privacy Website Check
Both the data protection and the security part of your website should be checked.
Otherwise, you are threatened with unnoticed hacker attacks, data theft as well as high fines from the authorities. And this only because you may not have taken the topic seriously enough.
We check your website thoroughly, to make sure your website is safe from hacker attacks and as warning safe as possible from a legal perspective.

Data protection training
Mandatory trainings on data protection are usually boring and everyone tries to click through them as quickly as possible or just sit them out.
Our interactive and hands-on trainings (online and offline) entertain your board members, executives and employees in a special way, so that the important messages are guaranteed to be internalized. One of the reasons this works so well is that everything is tailored to the target group in question.
Technical and organizational measures
The creation and testing of Technical and Organizational Measures (TOMs) are very costly, but a very important aspect of achieving data protection compliance. Without comprehensive technical and legal expertise, you can run into problems with authorities and customers.
We support you in creating and reviewing the technical and organizational measures.

Data protection impact assessments
The data protection officer examines in a data protection impact assessment particular risks to the rights and freedoms of the data subject and issues an opinion on the lawfulness of the data processing.In simple terms, a risk analysis on the topic of data protection. We regularly conduct risk analyses and data privacy impact assessments and are happy to support you in making your organization fit for the topic of data privacy.

Whether it's a small business, a medium-sized company or a major international corporation, whether it's a government agency, industry, retail, banking, automotive, energy or aviation - our employees have seen (almost) everything and always find the best and most effective measures to protect your company from data protection breaches.
Your Data Protection SWAT Team
At Apollon Security there are no lone warriors, but only team players. You benefit from this strong team in the background, both in consulting and in every product & service we develop ourselves.
Our personnel selection is very strict. Only people who share our mindset and act at the highest professional and human level make it to us.