Phishing Test Awareness
    91% of successful cyber attacks occur via email

    Simulated email attacks

    Everyone has seen email based attacks via phishing. Whether it's fake emails from Paypal or Amazon. 91% of successful cyber attacks to date are via email.
    Therefore, it is enormously important to prepare your employees for this attack vector as effectively as possible.

    We support you in training your employees effortlessly and playful to current phishing attacks, by sending out targeted phishing emails. Those who fall for it learn in an easy and playful manner how to spot real (spear) phishing attacks. Experience has shown that this method isextremely effective.

    In addition, training is also offered to further improve the awareness.

    Phishing Test
    Phishing Test Kampagne Apollon
    Customized for your company

    Individualized campaigns

    Our phishing campaigns are always customized to your company and designed on different levels of difficulties.

    With our phishing campaigns you have numerous possibilities for customization. For instance, you can determine the number of different phishing emails, the selection of employees, the variety of departments, and the time intervals at which our phishing emails are sent, all at your convenience. Moreover, we offer different types of attacks (Sweepstakes, CEO Fraud, Vishing, Credential Stealing, etc.) to prepare your employees for all attack types in the best possible way.



    You receive a detailed evaluation of your phishing campaign, considering all legal and regulatory requirements (BAIT, VAIT, BDSG, EU-DSGVO).

    Of course, you will also receive a professional risk classification as well as measures and recommendations for mitigating the identified risks.

    Our reports are easy to understand for your executive board, supervisory board, works council, CISO, as well as cyber security experts.

    Phishing Test Bericht Report
    Vishing Test Germany Deutschland
    So-called vishing

    Simulated telephone attacks

    Have you ever had a strange phone call where you felt like you were being questioned or lied to?

    Vishing, or Voice-Phishing, is an approach where the attacker retrieves sensitive data by phone instead of emails or links.

    This technique uses psychologically very sophisticated methods to manipulate people and could be very dangerous for the victims. It is a crucial part of our awareness trainings.

    We do not leave you hanging

    Strong partner

    We won't just leave you hanging with the results of your phishing/vishing campaign, but will assist you with employee training, mitigation options, and any other issues.

    Apollon Security Hilfe Mitarbeiter

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